Line and patterns are found on fabrics. One can actually manipulate lines to make them either have a waist line, an hour glass shape or even broad shoulders. In this case we will look at how to manipulate the lines and patterns and how to make you look fabulous.
When buying a top and you are a small size, lines that go horizontally make you look bigger in size. The lines tend to enhance your figure by widening your shape.
As for vertical lines, they make you look taller by lengthening your lower body to make shorter people.
In the case of men; if you want to broaden your shoulders make sure you buy a shirt that has horizontal lines on your shoulder areas and to make you have wider shoulders, and for shorter men I recommend you to buy trousers with lines that run horizontally as this lengthens your lower body.
To have that hour glass shape concentrate lines to emphasize that body shape. To get that, you can use a belt, a brooche and attain these same desirable look. For patterns the same applies; however as these should be done with care to avoid distorting the outfit and making it loose its niche.
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